Monday, September 7, 2009

I need a drink.

Not water. Not juice. Not soda. In times like this, I need a serious drink. Not to get drunk but to feel something else... to feel numb maybe? I don't know. I just feel like having a drink or two.

Hello, Mojito!
Moksha's Mojito and my love-lovely phone. My two dates on a lonely night.

No, I am not alcoholic. After I got dead drunk 3 Fridays ago, I have never drank a single drop of alcohol. So, I am sober. And it's not like I drink alcoholic beverages everyday. I only drink when I'm out with friends and I still go home normal (except on special occasions).

I have now come up with several reasons why I feel like I need to drink:
  • It's been 3 weeks since I felt intoxicated.
  • I have been stuck at home for a week. Literally.
  • I need to calm down.
  • I need to think about other things. Other than my financial problems.
  • I feel so down, depressed, frustrated and upset.
  • It has been raining for days, it's cold, and I'm ALONE.
  • I have another job interview tomorrow.
  • I am bipolar hence the mixed emotions, the regular mood changes, high feeling/low downs.
I know I have given no valid reasons but whatever, I'd do this for myself and it's not like I am going to drink tonight or any day soon. I am just saying that I need one. *sigh*


  1. Girlfriend...I know it's been a while since I've peaked in on you, but are you alright?

    HAVE THAT DRINK! It looks good to me, that's for sure. :) You don't owe us an explanation at all. Who the heck are we to judge?

    Cheers!! ;)

  2. Agree, we cannot judge. Hope you feel better soon. I really hope something pops up soon for you. I know it would take a huge load off your shoulders.

  3. Doing it one time does not make you a bad person. Go out and enjoy yourself a little.



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